Upload Images into ContentWelder

The Upload Image Import option allows Administrators and authorized users to upload multiple images to the system from the dashboard. A zip file containing the images files and a spreadsheet containing details of each image is required to use this feature.

Create Upload Package

The upload package is a zip file that contains an upload spreadsheet and the images that will be uploaded to the system.

Image Spreadsheet

A spreadsheet with fields shown in the table below must be created and populated with data for each image that will be uploaded. Refer to the table below for the fields and description in the spreadsheet. A sample of the image upload spreadsheet can be downloaded by clicking this link: SampleImageImport.xlsx

Field Description
DesignerImageType Currently, only "MarketingImage" types are supported.
ImageIdentifier A unique code for each image.
Name Name of the image.
Keyword Keywords for the images.
Description A description of the image. This will be shown in the image description field.
CategoryAssignment The category the image belongs to.
FilePath File name of the image, including the extension.

If there is an image variation, this is the "ImageIdentifier" for the parent image.

Add Images and Spreadsheet to Zip Package

Once the image spreadsheet has been created, combine images that will be uploaded and the image spreadsheet into a zip file. A specific file name is not required for the zip file.

Upload Zip Package

To upload the zip package, first access the Images view by clicking the Content Library then the Images option from the drop-down menu.

Next, click the Image Imports options from the Images view.

Click on the Upload Image Import button to upload the image spreadsheet.

The Upload Image Import option will appear, select the image upload zip file and then click the Upload button.

The image file should upload without any errors. If any errors are shown, resolve them before you upload the zip file. Check the "Status" column to ensure a successful upload.

The uploaded images can now be viewed and accessed from the system. Image variations can be viewed by clicking the Image Variations button from the Images view.